- born 7th January 1949
- is an American singer-songwriter, composer and actor.
- has depression/bipolar disorder
- in his music he incorporates blues, jazz and experimental styles
His lyrics can often be described as grotesque which could be used as a stimulus or as inspiration for our final experimental play.When watching an animated interview of Waits, things were revealed about his personality and characteristics that showed just how much of an interesting person he was. You get the feeling that from what he said in the interview that he does not think in the same way as most people. For example he mentioned that he often laughs in church because he finds that it is funniest to be laughing in places where you shouldn't. You can see that he is quite outspoken as he says things that I think a lot of people may be too scared to say. I noticed from his speech that he just allowed the speech to completely stream out of his mouth. He didn’t stumble or stutter, he just spoke with no filter and without any fear of being judged. He also didn’t seem to be trying to make sense of what he was saying because he was allowing himself the freedom to just say whatever he wanted to.
We were given different sheets of lyrics from songs written by Tom Waits. We were asked to pick a sheet that had on it lyrics that we would then use as a stimulus or inspiration for an improvised piece.
In my group, we used the lyrics from two different songs.
The songs were Ant Army and 9th & Hennepin.
Here are the lyrics to both songs:
Army Ants:
The whirly-gig beetles are wary and fast, with an organ to detect the ripples.
The arachnid moths lay their eggs inside other insects along the borders of fields or roads in clusters of white cocoons.
The ribbed pine bore is a longhorn beetle; their antennae’s are half the length of their body, and they feed on dead red pine.Robber flies, with their immobile heads, inject a paralysing fluid into their prey that they snatch from life in mid-air.
The snow flea’s mode of locomotion - strange and odd, with a spiny tail mechanism with hooks, and a protracted tube from the abdomen to enable moisture absorption.
The female praying mantis devours the male while they are mating.
The male sometimes continues copulating even after the female has bitten off his head - and part of his upper torso.
Every night, wasps bite into the stem of a plant, lock their mandibles into position, stretch out at right angles to the stem, and, with legs dangling, they fall asleep.
If one places a minute amount of liquor on a scorpion it will instantly go mad, and sting itself to death.
The bombardier beetle, when disturbed, defends itself by emitting a series of explosions, sometimes setting off 4 or 5 reports in succession.
The noises sound like miniature pop-gun blasts, and are accompanied by a cloud of reddish-coloured vile smelling fluid.
It is commonly known that ants keep slaves.
Certain species, the so-called "sanguinary ants" in particular, will raid the nests of other ant tribes and kill the queen and then kidnap many of the workers.
The workers are brought back to the captors' hive where they are coerced into performing menial tasks.
And as we discussed last semester, the army ants will leave nothing but your bones.
Perhaps you've encountered some of these insects in your communities, displaying both their predatory and defence characteristics while embedded within the walls of flesh and passing for what is most commonly recognized as human.
9th & Hennipin:
Well it's 9th and Hennepin
And all the donuts have
Names that sound like prostitutes
Well its 9th and Hennepin
And the moon's teeth marks are
On the sky like a tarp thrown over all this
And the broken umbrellas like
Dead birds and the steam
Comes out of the grill like
The whole goddamned town is ready to blow
And the bricks are all scarred with
jailhouse tattoos
And everyone is behaving like dogs
And the horses are coming down
Violin Road And Dutch is dead on his feet
And the rooms all smell like diesel
And you take on the Dreams
of the ones who have slept here
And I'm lost in the window I hide on the stairway I hang in the curtain I sleep in your hat
And no one brings anything Small
into a bar around here
They all started out with bad directions
And the girls behind the counter has a tattooed tear
One for every year he's away
she said Such a
crumbling beauty, but there's
Well, nothing wrong with her that $100 won't fix
That only gets worse
With the clang and the thunder
Of the Southern Pacific going by
As the clock ticks out like a dripping faucet
Till you're full of rag water and bitters and blue ruin
And you spill out
Over the side to anyone who'll listen
And I've seen it
All through the yellow windows
Of the evening train
We decided to combine the text from both lyrics to create a more
interesting piece.
combined the idea of aggressive animals (insects) likening them to men
specifically soldiers and their imagined infatuation and interactions with
women specifically prostitutes having not been around them for a long period of
time. The lines that inspired us to do so were:
‘And everyone is behaving like dogs’- makes a comment on dogs being on heat likening them to men
‘The male sometimes continues copulating even after the female has bitten off his head - and part of his upper torso’- makes a comment on how some people may believe men will do anything for sex
‘Donuts’ are a metaphor for prostitutes and ‘army ants’ are a metaphor for army soldiers.'the female praying mantis devours the male while they are mating' - shows that the female has a strength and a power greater than or equal to that of the males.
‘She has that razor sadness’ – perhaps this shows the link between how the prostitute may have a mental disorder that causes her to cut herself with razors which links to the themes of our piece (the brain and mental health)
Our piece was successful as we were able to portray the metaphors we had created in a coherent way as the audience seemed to be able to understand what our intentions were. It would have been more successful if we were to use more text from the lyrics so that the audience would have something to relate it to. It would have also been better if the soldier characters had conversed with the prostitute to show the brutality and aggressive nature of the soldier and his intentions as a character however we tried to avoid this in our piece because we felt that our pace and physicality were enough to convey the intentions of the characters.
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